Back to homepage25 Questions to Ask to Get the Story
Organizations can inspire donors by telling stories about the impact of their work. And in order to tell a rich and interesting story, the key lies in asking the right questions. Here are 25 questions that will help you prepare for your next story interview.
Read MoreUltimate Guide to Convert Event Attendees Into Donors
Think you got a break with a stand-alone event? Think again. Plan ahead and build-in “what’s next” in your event timeline to remain connected, and build relationships with your new and existing attendees, or else you are falling short of the momentum you created.
Read MoreMonthly Giving Pop-Ups and Do-Nots
Pop-ups work, but they can also have a negative impact on your one-time donations if used incorrectly. Think of the best places to put a helpful pop-up without spamming your website visitors.
Read MoreHow I Saw the Light – Change Your Fundraising Communications Now!
Using social media tools for fund raising seems to be the buzz these days, but are you wondering whether it really helps or is it just another fad? Get some practical advice from Gail Perry and her success with using twitter and .gifs
Read MorePeer-to-Peer Fundraising to Help Grow Your Year-End Giving
Thinking about how to reach new donors? If so, ask yourself, are these people responding to organizations or people? Response to peer-to-peer fundraising is about 25% while response to organizations is between 1-2%. People trust people more than they trust another
Read MoreRaising More From Your Annual Fund: 6 Donor-Centric Strategies
Annual giving is one of the most important aspects in any nonprofits fundraising efforts. Don’t see this as a one-time event to raise funds only, use it to build more meaningful and valuable relationships with your donors that will help with future efforts.
Read MoreDouble the Results of Your End of Year Appeal
Direct mail fundraising can be overlooked at times, however, almost every nonprofit uses some form of it. From annual appeal letters to solicitation letters. Physical mail is still an effective way to raise money from donors – big or small.
Read MoreFive Steps to Building an Effective Impact Network
A Ninja pick: “How network entrepreneurs can catalyze large-scale social impact through a process that applies to networks across all systems and sectors” co-authored by DAVID EHRLICHMAN, DAVID SAWYER, & JANE WEI-SKILLERN
Read More3 Books About Writing That Every Fundraiser Should Read
VANESSA CHASE tells us about her favorite writers who motivate her writing and how stories can help nonprofit organizations engage and inspire their donors.
Read MoreTaking Your Story Multichannel
PAMELA GROW elucidates on the power and importance of nonprofit storytelling through ‘Stephen’s Story’. It is certainly imperative to tell your story effectively, and going multichannel is the way ahead.
Read MoreDesigning Professional Development for the Distracted Learner
A Ninja pick: Beth Kanter discusses her latest work on optimizing training and development for nonprofit professionals, “Instructional design is knowing how to shape exercises based on brain and learning research.”
Read MoreMastering the “Soft Skills” of Fundraising
A Ninja pick from one of GAIL PERRY’S best loved blogs. She elaborates on “Mastering the Soft Skills of A Fundraiser: What They Don’t Teach You in Fundraising 101”.
Read MoreHow to Find More Donors for Your Non-Profit
“Will your non-profit have enough new prospects this year to raise the money you need to grow and thrive?” asks JOE GARECHT (The Fundraising Authority) and invites you to his four week comprehensive workshop on cultivating donors and raising funds.
Read MoreClairification
“Lift Up Your Nonprofit Donors with Their Olympic Moment,” coaches CLAIR, inspired by Whitney Houston’s classic. “Give me one moment in time… When I’m racing with destiny… Then in that one moment of time… I will feel… I will feel
Publications such as TIME magazine called Millennials “lazy, entitled, narcissists who still live with their parents.” So why try to engage this entitled group with something so noble as giving back to the community?
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